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Gift Card

Looking for the perfect gift but not sure what to choose? Give the gift of sweetness with a Casa de Pastel gift card!

Let your loved ones pick their favorite treats, from our delicious selection of cakes, cookies, and workshops. Gift cards are delivered directly to their email with simple instructions to redeem at checkout. Please leave information about the person you're gifting to (name, event, etc) and if you want to give them a special product and we'll send you a personalized voucher. 

Regular price

Gift Card

Looking for the perfect gift but not sure what to choose? Give the gift of sweetness with a Casa de Pastel gift card!

Let your loved ones pick their favorite treats, from our delicious selection of cakes, cookies, and workshops. Gift cards are delivered directly to their email with simple instructions to redeem at checkout. Please leave information about the person you're gifting to (name, event, etc) and if you want to give them a special product and we'll send you a personalized voucher.