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The birthday pack
The birthday pack

The Birthday Pack – what's included?

- Happy Birthday Bento Cake (10 cm, serves 2-3) – Available in various flavors and colors, and can be personalized with a name.

- 6-Pack of Cookies – A delicious mix of our favorite flavors.

Perfect for birthdays and special occasions – only €37,50! Delivery in Barcelona 080 for €12,50. Order now from Casa de Pastel!

Regular price

The birthday pack

The Birthday Pack – what's included?

- Happy Birthday Bento Cake (10 cm, serves 2-3) – Available in various flavors and colors, and can be personalized with a name.

- 6-Pack of Cookies – A delicious mix of our favorite flavors.

Perfect for birthdays and special occasions – only €37,50! Delivery in Barcelona 080 for €12,50. Order now from Casa de Pastel!